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Statutory Information

This page helps everyone navigate to all the statutory elements of our website and helps us to audit our website for compliance.  Clicking on the titles below may take you to another part of the website, an external website or open up a document. To get back to this page, simply use your web browser.

School begins at 8:55am and ends at 3:30pm.

School contact details

Admission arrangements - link to Admissions section of the website

Ofsted report - We were judged to be outstanding in all areas in the last inspection (2024).

SIAMs report - We were judged to be excellent in all areas in the last Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (2020).

KS2 SATs results - We have performed significantly above average over the past four years that SATs have taken place. 

Department for Education performance table - see how our school is performing against a variety of measures.

Curriculum - click to take you to our curriculum section of the website

Behaviour Policy 

Pupil premium 

PE and sport premium

Equality objectives  - Public Sector Equality Duty

Special educational needs and disability (SEND) information  & SEND policy

Accessibility plan

School complaints procedure

Governors’ information and duties

Financial information - Information about how our school performs financially in comparison to other schools. Note also that the number of school employees with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more is NIL (information provided September 2024)

Charging and remissions policy

Values and ethos 

Requests for paper copies - Please request via the contact us tab.

Parent View - this is a link to the Parent View website.

Safeguarding Policy 

Remote learning guidance

Relationships & Sex Education - this is a link to the Relationships & Health section of our website

Uniform information

Privacy notice for children and parents/carers